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:heavy_check_mark: strings/manacher.hpp

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vector<int> manacher_odd(string s) {
  int n = s.size();
  s = "$" + s + "^";
  vector<int> p(n + 2);
  int l = 1, r = 1;
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    p[i] = max(0, min(r - i, p[l + (r - i)]));
    while (s[i - p[i]] == s[i + p[i]]) {
    if (i + p[i] > r) {
      l = i - p[i], r = i + p[i];
  return vector<int>(begin(p) + 1, end(p) - 1);

vector<int> manacher(const string &s) {
  string t;
  for (auto c : s) {
    t += string("#") + c;
  auto res = manacher_odd(t + "#");
  return vector<int>(begin(res) + 1, end(res) - 1);
#line 1 "strings/manacher.hpp"
vector<int> manacher_odd(string s) {
  int n = s.size();
  s = "$" + s + "^";
  vector<int> p(n + 2);
  int l = 1, r = 1;
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    p[i] = max(0, min(r - i, p[l + (r - i)]));
    while (s[i - p[i]] == s[i + p[i]]) {
    if (i + p[i] > r) {
      l = i - p[i], r = i + p[i];
  return vector<int>(begin(p) + 1, end(p) - 1);

vector<int> manacher(const string &s) {
  string t;
  for (auto c : s) {
    t += string("#") + c;
  auto res = manacher_odd(t + "#");
  return vector<int>(begin(res) + 1, end(res) - 1);
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