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:warning: misc/offset_vector.hpp


template <typename V>
struct offset_vector {
  // Index should be in [minIndex, maxIndex].
  // minIndex and maxIndex can be negative.
  offset_Vector(int minIndex, int maxIndex) {
    x.resize(maxIndex - minIndex + 1);
    offset = minIndex;

  V& operator[](int index) { return x[index - offset]; }

  auto begin() { return x.begin(); }
  auto end() { return x.end(); }
  auto size() { return x.size(); }

  vector<V> x;
  int offset;
#line 1 "misc/offset_vector.hpp"
template <typename V>
struct offset_vector {
  // Index should be in [minIndex, maxIndex].
  // minIndex and maxIndex can be negative.
  offset_Vector(int minIndex, int maxIndex) {
    x.resize(maxIndex - minIndex + 1);
    offset = minIndex;

  V& operator[](int index) { return x[index - offset]; }

  auto begin() { return x.begin(); }
  auto end() { return x.end(); }
  auto size() { return x.size(); }

  vector<V> x;
  int offset;
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